Blog – Página: 2 – Talent Language


keeping up with talent
13 de dezembro de 2021

How Portuguese works

Assuming you have no information on a Latin-based language, or truth be told, of any language, cheer up – you are setting out with a fresh start and without any assumptions which could deceive you. Numerous Brazilian Portuguese words are likewise basically the same as English, and detecting the connections will give you the certainty […]

6 de dezembro de 2021

Talent News #5

Atualizações sobre Covid-19 para estudar no Canadá Estudantes brasileiros participam da principal avaliação internacional de leitura Dupla graduação no Reino Unido e Austrália Guia das melhores universidades da Austrália

25 de novembro de 2021

Thanksgiving is here!

Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, however, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October; earlier, due to the harvest. Although it is not very popular in Brazil, it is a Holiday in the United States and is as important as Christmas. It is […]

8 de novembro de 2021

Why do people tend to think British English is easier to understand?

The answer lies in two letters: RP Received Pronunciation, or RP for short, is right away the unmistakable highlight frequently depicted as ‘normally British’. Well known terms for this complement, for example, ‘the Queen’s English’, ‘Oxford English’ or ‘BBC English’ are each somewhat deceptive. The Queen, for example, talks in a practically interesting type of […]

5 de novembro de 2021

TALENT NEWS #4 – Edição Bolsa de Estudos

BOLSA EIFFEL 2021-2022 Chevening: bolsas para fazer mestrado no Reino Unido com tudo pago Bolsas de estudo para Canadá, EUA e Coreia do Sul Tsinghua University oferece bolsas para estudar na China: graduação, mestrado e doutorado Bolsas de estudo do governo da Bélgica 2022 | Totalmente financiado

1 de novembro de 2021


As 4 melhores bolsas de estudo na Irlanda EducationUSA oferece mentoria gratuita para brasileiros selecionados Erasmus (famoso programa de bolsas para estudar na Europa) tem inscrições abertas Bolsas para graduação e mestrado na França para brasileiros

29 de outubro de 2021

Mahbouba Seraj

Once again, we are facing yet another dark moment in history, this time in Afghanistan. Afghanistan hasn’t always been the most forward-thinking country and women’s rights have been the centre of debates and conflict for over a century. With the rise of every new government, rules would change, at times trying to improve and defend […]

19 de outubro de 2021


Pretty much everybody knows that football is a sport invented by the English. You also might have heard of a guy called Charles Miller (a Brazilian, son of a Scottish family), who is said to have brought football to Brazil. British immigrants and travellers played a major role in kicking off the sport in Brazil […]

11 de outubro de 2021

Be proud of your English – How to incorporate English as a lingua franca into reality.

A Finnish researcher coming to Vienna for a gathering on human hereditary qualities; an Italian planner haggling with forthcoming customers in Stockholm; a Polish traveller talking with nearby restaurateurs in Crete: they all impart effectively in “English”, however which “English”? All things considered, odds are it isn’t the language you hear in talk shows and […]

Fazer alfaiataria linguística

Significa entender que não se busca conhecer uma nova língua sem uma motivação de fundo, uma ambição pessoal, um sonho ou um objetivo profissional que nos move. Significa entender que o valor de nossas soluções reside fundamentalmente na capacidade de aproximar as pessoas de seus desejos, incrementando o seu “guarda-roupa linguístico”.



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